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How can I make my sentence spell backwards in JavaScript?
Hi. I am planning to make a code that people can reverse their own sentences (Not just the words, the spelling). However, I don't know how to code about that. The code requires an input for them to put their own sentence. Can somebody please tell me the code? Thank you! 😊
7 Respuestas
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Do you want sth like this:
str = "Hello World";
str = str.split("").reverse().join("");
// str is now "dlroW olleH"
+ 2
@Skayo Thanks for the code! 😊
+ 1
If my code helped you then please set it as accepted answer. Thank you!
Hi Skayo! I tried copying your code but when I run the code the output reads "No output." Is there a better code for this? I would require an input. Thx! 😊
Oh my bad!
Please replace line 2 with:
str = str.split("").reverse().join("");
Hi Skayo! The code you gave me is the same as what you said. Try with the correct one please. Thanks!
No I changed the other answer too you know