+ 3
How do make a website using any computer programming language and i want to name it ( www.mranimator.com)
17 Respuestas
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lolol :D
As Jamie said, check out GoDaddy.com. Usually they have a deal for new customers so you can get any .com/.net/etc... domain name for only $1 for a year, rather than the usually $10-14ish a year. Worth checking in to, good deal on it.
As for making a website, you can't do it with just any programming language. You have various options though, but I'd recommend starting with HTML/CSS/JS/PHP/SQL and then branch out from there once you have a working understanding of how websites operate.
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@Subrath Without a domain name, someone would need to use the IP address of where the files are hosted. So for example, if it's on your local computer, they would need your IP address, you'd need to allow such connections through your firewalls, and you'd need to properly route things through your router. As well, you have the security risk involved in doing it from your local computer.
With a domain name, you set up routing through it and that's what allows people to use a domain name to access your website instead of having to know or remember the IP address to the web server.
The ideal solution is to obtain a domain name AND obtain some form of a remote web server to host the files. This will ensure your personal privacy/security while providing a stable place for your website to be hosted from for your users. Nothing worse for a website than for it to go offline when users want to access it.
If you're comfortable with Linux, then I recommend getting a VPS and just set everything up yourself. This gives you more control and allows you to accomplish your goal. If you're not comfortable with Linux, there is a lot of hosting that takes care of the "hard" work for you, but I've often found those to be a lot more restricted in what you can do, which isn't for me.
Anyways, best of luck to you! I posted up some links of resources so you can get started. Go through all of them and you'll understand everything better. Nothing wrong with practicing on your local computer while you're learning/developing, and then when you put it into production place it on a server with a domain.
+ 3
just look at this website , just read the description of this website than anyone can explain me how did he make it website website link is ( https://www.whatismyzip.com)
+ 2
ok may I know any how do I make a webisite
+ 2
what about ( www.assanimations.com)
+ 2
but how alex
+ 2
I created a html web offline file bit how do I make it a website
+ 2
thanks netkos ent
You have to but the .com name. To make the website use html and css.
Buy the domain from NameCheep(their the cheapest domains you can find) Then learn html and css
You can also find free domains but it won’t have a .com