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How to publish my website when i finish it ?
i want to know everythink about publishing my website so i can choose the best way . and thunks :)
15 Respuestas
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you can go to website like godaddy to buy a hosting and domain name.
domain name is the name by which your website will be discoverable. It is also called DNS(Domain name server).
hosting is the place where u will store your website codes and files. Basicall it will provie you some space.
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note that php will process the tasks u have to build the structure using html
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if your website is a static one then you can just update your website codes uploaded on the hosting provided from godaddy..
if your website is a dynamic one then u can just keep updating your website by updating your codes without deleting the previous codes..
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technically yes.
HTML for structural development of website.
CSS for the design of website
PHP for processing of tasks on website
SQL basic knowledge to run query and if you want to make login forms... you want people to login and sign up on your website then PHP HTML css and sql for database( database- it will store the information given by the people on your website like username password etc.)
Yes you can send notification and allow people to comment using the languages i told.
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and thunk you men
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static website is a website which remains same for everyone, mostly written in HTML lang. for example- someone's blog will remain same for everyone..
dynamic website is a website which changes according to the user basically they are responsive written in dynamic language like PHP for example- weather forecast website will show London's weather something else and India's weather something else.
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It doesn't matter if you have coded your website in HTML lang you can make modifications using php .. but you have to learn PHP
more explenation plz .. first can i build a server with php ? what is dns ?
thrinadh and how is that
oh .. and can i add some modification on the website after i published it
im sorry but what does static and dynamic mean . and how they work
yes thunk you ..
so to build a nice website i have to learn html and css and php ?
also . if i want to get notification or get messeges and comments on my posts on the website . does php can make them . or there are somethink else i have to know about