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People, what is data-types?
6 Respuestas
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Thank you very much!
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It is the different ways you store data. For example:
1 =>integer
1.0 =>float
"1" =>string
True =>boolean
[1, '2', "hello",False] =>list
('A',5,'something) =>tuple
{'a':45,'z':8427} =>dictionary
And so on.
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It is the way to store some data to stack
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It is a method in which data is stored in.
Each data type is also a class itself, with their own class methods.
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Thank you
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a data type is a way of storing an information. the data type equally determine the type of operations that can be performed on the stored data, like 2 + 3 = 5 and '2'+'3'=23. it's due to data type that 2+3 gives 5 as 2 and 3 are integers type which are whole numbers, thereby using the operator + as additional operator where as'2'+'3' gives 23 because the type here is string which means set of characters there by treating the + operator as a concatenating operator. this can really enhance your understanding of data type as I think