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C# date box forced formatting
So I have a program I use that I have become very intrigued by how they force their formatting of a date in a field when input. So for example, if I put in 10217, the system would automatically force the field to become 10/02/2017. However, if I put in 1117, then nothing happens as it could be 01/01/2017, 11/17/xx, or some other of many combinations. Does anyone know how this forced formatting might be being achieved? Thanks in advance.
5 Respuestas
You could check if year.Length() < 4
And do the same for day and month
I guess I am unsure of what you are meaning by this. I can't necessarily check if year length is less than 4 seeing as the input is a handful of numbers, not one box for year, one for day, and one for month. Thanks.
Oh sorry, then i guess you could say
string input = "12102014"
string day = input[0] + input[1];
string month = input[2] + input[3]
string year = same thing but with 4,5,6,7
Then you envelop thay inside try catch where Exception is array out of scope (Incase user inputs less than 8numbers)
That's the thing, they can enter less than 8 characters. So a user will enter what I placed in the description above of 10217, which is 5 characters. However, it will then reformat it to 10/02/2017. So yeah, I am not sure that logic will 100% work. It could with some variances, but I feel like there should be an easier way to do this. Thanks.
After looking around for a while, I found a solution to this issue. By using the datetime.parse method, you can control a lot of the formatting, time zones, etc. etc. :)