+ 8
Challenge: Roman numerals!
Need to write a function that takes arabic numerals and return the roman numerals. Roman numerals: I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000 Example: 10 -> X 6 -> VI 76 -> LXXVI 499 -> CDXCIX ... Precondition: Input: integer (0 < input < 3999) Output: string Please set the language in comment!!! If you resolve this task set plus!!!
14 Respuestas
+ 18
Inline assembly:
+ 15
+ 7
Works between 1-4000000(excluded)
+ 5
+ 4
Here is my attempt in Python:
+ 2
My first code ever, in Python 3:
If you have any comments, let me know!
+ 1
My try in PHP :
I hope you'll understand my technical comment in english ;)
I notice that Roman numerals work by pairs "unit" and "five" for every decimal in base10 (I and V, X and L, ...).
I use base5 conversion for every base10 position.
+ a test when last number (unit) is 4 in base5 : in that case I use 1 unit before the next letter depending on the next col in base5 (0 or 1) thus "five" or next unit.
The second function is only for formating purpose while testing.
+ 1
My try on python.
1. a integer to roman numeral, work between 0 to 3999.
2. roman numeral convert to integer.
Very quickly?! You did that before?