+ 1
Please can someone tell me what us wrong with my c++ password validation program?
it keeps giving me false even wen I meet up with DE required conditions https://code.sololearn.com/cyGkhQ1He6Oh/?ref=app
31 Respuestas
+ 8
Okay, tell me what words did you try to test, because I can get a strong password message from the code. Are you sure the word has matched all the criteria? I mean any lower or upper case, number, and it is at least 8 characters long?
+ 6
I run the code in Code Playground, with "Dco57der2" (without quotes), it tells me "The password is strong", I don't understand, did you get "The password is not strong"? that's odd, can you send me more words to test please?
+ 5
Oh, sorry my friend, I was asleep when you replied, different timezones. Anyways, the criteria for a strong password is what you told me, at least a number (0-9), a lowercase letter, and an uppercase letter, I only add the minimum password length to the criteria, so it has to be >= 8 characters in length to be a strong (valid) password.
Unfortunately I cannot answer the question for offline Android programming tool, honestly, I haven't got that far, sorry.
+ 5
Okay, I put it into a saved code, please try this code, I have tested "Dco57der2" & " BAsgj34f7" and both was assumed strong password. I don't have any idea why are we seeing different results from this code, anyway, just give it a try : )
+ 5
Okay bro, yes I did modify it a little, added information about how many letters, and numbers in the password, and the length of the password also. You may use this code if you want bro, if it works for you.
Anyways, I will not be available for the next two hours, as I am going to attend Friday prayer here, but I'll be back then, so see you later bro...
+ 5
Brother try this, adjust the size of input according to your needs.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char input[50];
cout << input;
return 0;
+ 4
Oh, sorry for the delay, yeah brother, I am a muslim : )
No problem at all bro, so can you tell me what was the problem before? I'm just really curious what happened...
+ 4
Well bro, I guess we all been there, I most of the time make mistakes from forgetting the semicolon, still happens until now : )
Thanks for telling bro, I'm always curious when something goes wrong, and how to solve the problem.
+ 3
What is the criteria for defining a password is good? maybe I can help you? Anyway can you link your code with the question? it's supposed to be linked with question related to code.
Do you know how to link a code with a question? it's simple, open your code, tap on share button above, select an option that suggests to copy to clipboard, then go back to this question, from the menu to the right, pick Edit, then insert a blank line below question description, long press and tap on Paste. Go give it a try!
+ 3
I have a different way to approach the goal, then yours, this is how I would do it, you are welcome to use this if you decide so.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string password;
// This records number of lowercase,
// uppercase, and numbers
int lower{0}, upper{0}, digits{0};
// character type, returned by isalpha
int cc {0};
// Get password, save password length
// Validate password is not empty
cin >> password;
cout << "You entered empty password!";
return 0;
int len {password.length()};
for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
// isalpha function returns 0 if the
// character is non alphabetical,
// 1 for uppercase, 2 for lowercase
cc = isalpha(password[i]);
if(cc == 1)
// Increment uppercase letter count
else if(cc == 2)
// Increment lowercase letter count
// Increment number count
// All these three must be nonzero for
// a password to be classified as strong.
// Plus, a minimum length of 8 characters.
if(upper && lower && digits && (len >= 8))
cout << "The password is strong";
cout << "The password is not strong";
return 0;
Hth, cmiiw
+ 3
Brother, sorry for the delay, I don't understand what you mean here, what do you need to initialize? I lookup for that strstr function, it seems to be used for finding a string inside another string, can you tell me what's the problem? I'll see what I can do.
+ 1
It's hard to me understand it u.u I don't remember much of C, but I modified your code printing the three status and analyzed some passwords. All pass with no numbers were right except with stronger.
Try to cout those values, how you know the code, it can be a little more easy to detect errors :)
+ 1
please Ipang check well it keeps giving me the password is not strong even wen I meet DE conditions
+ 1
I tried Dco57der2
+ 1
merde. then am confused cuz everything I put here it gives me password is not strong. how I wish I could just send u a picture of how it runs on my machine.
+ 1
well try BAsgj34f7
+ 1
OK thanks much bro. let me try
+ 1
hey bro it works. let me check where I made DE mistake although you have modified this one somehow
+ 1
OK brother so you are a muslim???
+ 1
thanks much bro.