+ 1
Pseudocode to python: please help convert this pseudocode to python code
StudentMarksTest1[1:30] StudentMarksTest2[1:30] StudentMarksTest3[1:30] StudentTotalScore[1:30] Sum 0 FOR Count 1 TO 30 INPUT Name StudentName[Count] Name INPUT Mark1, Mark2, Mark3 StudentMarksTest1[Count] Mark1 StudentMarksTest2[Count] Mark2 StudentMarksTest3[Count] Mark3 Total Mark1 + Mark2 + Mark3 StudentTotalScore[Count] Total Sum Sum + Total PRINT StudentName[Count], StudentTotalScore[Count] NEXT Count ClassAverage = Sum/30 PRINT ClassAverage
2 Respuestas
Lemme have a try...
OK, here we go. Please let me know if it's good enough. I'm pretty sure there's a lot to improve, though.