+ 3
Hi guys I need a help
I just made a brute force code in Ruby and it seems working fine, can you like make a 3 letters (No numbers and symbols) word and encrypt it into any hash, just comment down like <encrypted word> <encryption type> And I'll reply back the decrypted word I'm testing if this works fine.
23 Respuestas
+ 5
Thank you so much for helping me :) You earned my respect :D
+ 5
Thanks so much @David I'm still wondering if I should share the source code as alot of people might misuse it
+ 4
@MrCoder... Kudos to you for actually trying to understand how to brute force decrypt. I'm curious about the following questions:
- How long is it taking to find a match for the hashed 3 letter lower case word?
- How does this compare to matching 2 letter and 1 letter variants?
- Have you tried matching a hashed word with 1, 2, or 3 lower case letters yet?
- If so, how long does it take to run that decryption?
- Are you running a hash of every possible variation in real time and comparing each hash result with the one you are trying to match?
I recommend you store your hashed variations to file or database to speed your matching up even quicker.
This will likely speed up your time for matching as you expand the variations of characters and word length.
+ 4
I would consider this ethical hacking and is general enough to not be considered anything else. It gets a questionable when sharing code with a specific intent to attack a specific target and sharing details that were illegally obtained to execute an attack.
In the latter scenario, I wouldn't share such code. If I did, I would at least notify the target first and give them notice that you intend to share the exploit with the community.
Giving the target time to patch the exploit would be the responsible and ethical thing to do.
But, hey, these are just my opinions. 😎
+ 4
@David Carroll Thanks for sharing opinions :)
+ 3
Oh I totally forgot to mention Capital cases were still not added as a feature my bad haha, Can you do one again?
+ 3
The brute force program went fine and returned "hmm" :D
+ 3
It went perfectly amazing! It returned "zat" :)
+ 2
@Deepak Gautam Thanks I'll bruteforce it now
+ 2
Thank you
+ 2
Thanks so much I'll bf it again
+ 2
@David Carroll
• It takes only about 15 seconds
• It can brute force any password length, but since I am coding it in android terminal, the terminal lags and crashes when doing 4+ lettered permutation..
• Sadly only lower cased letters are allowed, symbols, numbers, upper cased letters are not included
• The algorithm in the code is to make every possible combinations of letters and digest it into a hash and then compares it to the input
+ 2
Also, you will want to explore parallel processing to speed up the time for building your hash list as well as running matches against a given hash.
Brute force will likely take much longer as you experiment with hash + salt variations.
+ 2
@David Carroll I'll try as for now I'll try minimizing resources so it wont lag when I try 4+ letters
+ 2
Interesting and thanks for sharing. It's so much better than the commonly asked question:
"How do you hack?" or something very general like that. 🙃
+ 1
@Deepak I will but its still on BETA. Update on the Hash: No permutation matches were found... Did you perhaps included numbers or symbols?