Best way to start building web site
what do you thing is the best step by step way,that will help me to start web design?
4 Respuestas
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Start with plain html/css no framework. Then use a framework and start with javascript then jquery. Then build a mean stack app and a learn about CRUD.
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I had to build a website in a hurry and it had to look amazing, so instead of using HTML, CSS and JS, i installed Wordpress to my web server and built the site using a template. I used Divi because it seemed like a great theme to use because of its flexibility. Once i had wordpress and divi in place, knowing HTML, CSS and JS wasnt a factor sice i could build 99% of the site without ever having to look at some code.
I did wind up adding features to the site after the fact using some very basic HTML to make mailto: and tel: hyperlinks, but thats all i had to know really.
From this experience, my advise is that if you want to build lots of websites in a hurry, learn to use Wordpress or another content management system. But...
If you use wordpress without learning HTML and PHP and CSS, get ready to run into problems that you cant solve. Even though a website can be made with little or no code knowledge, it doesnt mean you should do so.
i mean is it a language that will help me more? i ve started html and i ve practiced php a little more... is a correct order of language learning?