+ 17
[🔉THREAD🔉] Go community lesson development!
This is a small thread for people who want a Go course, know some themselves, and want to help create a custom course so everyone can learn. Refer to the giant comment below for more information. EDIT: this is pretty much dead. :(
13 Respuestas
+ 5
>> )) -- [MUST READ INFORMATION] -- (( <<
- Title must be in the format:
- Go <subject>
- For example, "Go Channel Directions" would be a good title.
- Title must be in size main heading.
- There should be no spaces surrounding code snippets, as spaces automatically appear when SoloLearn displays them.
- Feel free to use bold text, especially when describing new keywords.
- New paragraphs must have one empty line between them.
- Paragraphs should not be indented.
- Do not put more than one note not at the end of the lesson.
- Finally, the best way to make your lesson look good is to refer to the SoloLearn-created courses.
LESSONS WE NEED (secondary (indented) topics are to be explained in the super-topic (primary topic) lesson)::
- Key/Legend:
- (nothing) unclaimed lesson, go for it! (no pun intended)
- ❌claimed lesson, they might not be done yet.
- ✔finished lesson, the lesson is already done being written.
- Introducing Go ✔(completed by LunarCoffee)
- Hello, world! ✔(completed by LunarCoffee)
- Go Operators ✔(completed by LunarCoffee)
- Go Variables ✔(completed by LunarCoffee)
- Data Types ✔(completed by LunarCoffee)
- Constants ✔(completed by LunarCoffee)
- Go If/Else ❌(taken by LunarCoffee)
- Comparison Operators ❌(taken by LunarCoffee)
- Boolean Logic ❌(taken by LunarCoffee)
- Go Loops ✔(completed by LunarCoffee)
- Range ✔(completed by LunarCoffee)
- Go Switch
- Type Switch
- Go Data Structures
- Arrays
- Slices
- Maps
- Go Functions
- Return Types
- Variadic Functions
- Multiple Return Values
- Go Structs
- Methods
- Go Interfaces
- Go Pointers
- Go Errors
- Panic and Recover Statements
- Goroutines
- Go Channels
- Buffered Channels
- Synchronization
- Direction
- Go Select Statement
- To request to take a lesson, just comment.
+ 7
is nobody here??😤😤
we need that 🙏🙏😧😔😔
+ 3
no one here 😢
+ 3
What's the update on this?
+ 3
+ 2
I don't know Go :(
But this post made me to read about it and know it better, you can feel nice about this :)
+ 2
Those lessons marked as finished, why can't I find any of them?
+ 2
@Gundolf Kuhn
I mean that they're done being written and are submitted. Also, I don't really want to do this anymore :(
+ 2
Ok I understand that given the apparent lack of interest in go. Sry didn't know how the process works for new courses, do I get it right that solo learn has still to "publish" these lessons you submitted?
+ 2
@Gundolf Kuhn (post 2)
+ 2
Bill Zelenko
Still nothing on sololearn. https://tour.golang.org/ is the official tutorial of the go developers, there I got my basics
+ 1
Awww... I recently wanted to learn Golang.
Following. Sololearn used to have a go course for some time (as I've seen some users having the go certificate) . Disappeared as the Ruby course. Hope to see this One caming out some times.