+ 2
How to learn programming logics,its being quite difficult ,is there any method?
4 Respuestas
+ 11
just practice and everything be OK. At the beginning is always hard...
+ 4
There are mobile games for learning logic. Just type programming logic games into playstore.
+ 2
thanks guys... i will persist
Think of logic as a way of testing a condition or asking a question. We use it everyday to make conditional choices. For instance, you could be asked to give a discount to any seniors shopping at your store. In real life, we would ask their age and give them a deal if old enough. In programming, we would ask: is customerage >= seniorage and if true, do a calculation on the price.
You can also test for multiple conditions using AND, OR, or NOT. You could only give female seniors a discount with a statement such as:
is customerage > 65 AND customergender == F.
This allows you to perform multiple tests in one statement.