Sesiones de PyR
If except can handle common errors very well, doesn't that make the use of raise redundant inside of a try-except block?
For example:
print( 5 / 0 )
except ZeroDivisionError:
raise ValueError("An error occurred!")
What's the difference if we handle it this way:
print( 5 / 0 )
except (ZeroDivisionError, ValueError):
print("An error occurred!")
3 Votos
2 Respuestasif i download the programs for c++ on my pc ( codebuilds and the compiler ) and i want to write a program in my package ( workspace ) i create a new file and write smthing beginning
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
and i want to run it, it always runs this first program : Hello World. and not my written program how can i run just my written program ?
have i maybe to write anything else as
int main () {} ?
0 Votos
16 Respuestasdouble arr[]={5,2,7,8,11,9};
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
double sum = 0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
sum+= arr[i];
double avg = sum / n;
cout<< "avarage ="<< avg<< endl;
return 0;
/*what does int n= sizeof(arr[]) /sizeof(arr[0]);
do, can someone explain that line for me*/
0 Votos
3 RespuestasCan someone explain this code to me....
class ReverseNumberDemo
{ public static void main(String args[]) {
int num=123456789;
int reversenum =0;
while( num != 0 ) {
reversenum = reversenum * 10;
reversenum = reversenum + num%10;
num = num/10; }
System.out.println("Reverse of specified number is: "+reversenum);
the thing I don't get is the reversenum part......isn't reversenum=0 so wouldn't reversenum*10=0
0 Votos
8 Respuestashow can i put a program in an application ? i wrote a program with eclipse ( a calculator ) what can i do with it now ? maybe put it in an application but how ?
and is in this app (sololearn) declared how to program interactive fields ? like for calculator a field for + - * / and = ? is there any tutorial for that ?
2 Votos
5 RespuestasWrite a program that uses a dynamic array that contains 5 items of double values. The size of the array is entered when the program is run. Aldo the 5 values must be entered. These tasks are done in the main ( ) function. Then write a function to display the 5 values. The function must have a pointer variable as a parameter. The function is called from the main ( ).
0 Votos
2 RespuestasEn tendencia hoy
Naming Variables
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Times up quiz has error
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JavaScript functions
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How important are threads to us?
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