Sesiones de PyR
I recently created and saved a small program privately and now I cannot figure out how to open it to edit and run it. I am new to using this app to create and run Java programs and would like to know how to do this in order to edit and reuse my programs. How do I open a program I have privately saved?
1 Voto
2 Respuestas#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A{
void f1();
class B : public A{
virtual void f1();
int main()
A * obj = new B;
Ques: can we write virtual before an overridden function from the base class?? if yes which f1() should it call base class f1() or derived class f1()???
0 Votos
1 Respuestawhat languages are needed to allow customers to upload a form to a server, which can then be displayed on another page (Similar to ebay). i cant wrap my head around what code is needed (other than the method=post)...i have created a database using sql but cant make sense of how to allow a user to enter details...for it to then appear on the home page of my website for example. many thanks!
0 Votos
2 RespuestasWY I get a rundum number from memory when I run this code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
int array [5];
for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
array [x] = 42;
cout << x << ': ' << array [x] << endl;
return 0;
if I replace ': ' with ": " every thing works well.
0 Votos
2 Respuestasso far in section 1 question 2 area all of the videos have been ads that if you skip the add it just brings up the questions you need to answer. also if you play the add all the way thru you get the same exact thing. luckily I'm using this as a refresher course but I would think if I didn't know anything about c++ then I could be pretty lost missing videos.
0 Votos
2 Respuestasusing a while loop create a guessing game program that keeps asking the user to enter a number until the user enters the number 7. You will need to create and initialise an int variable to zero. You can then use this variable as the condition in your while loop ( while the number is not equal to seven) Then in the while loop ask the user to enter a number and store the number entered in the number variable that is in the conditions of your loop.
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1 RespuestaEn tendencia hoy
Saturn League badge
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Sololearn keeps crashing
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Lua course?
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Adding an image to my html
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Not able to activate account
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About Advanced Courses
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