Sesiones de PyR
Stack Question
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1 RespuestaУправление персоналом
0 Votos
1 Respuestawhat should i use to get in to next line ?
print(words[0]) {then i pushed enter to write next line,but gave me answer , i mean i couldn't follow order that has been given}
and how should i write print(words[1]) in next lint without interruption? 😕
0 Votos
4 RespuestasWrite a program to return the area of Geometricshapes square and rectangle. Area of square is side*side, rectangle is length*breadth. The controlling class should display the following menu and respond to the user’s selection
1. Calculate area of square
2. Calculate area of rectangle
3. Quit
Enter your choice (1-3):
0 Votos
3 Respuestasis the javascript used for server side same as that of client side javascript??
i mean is syntax exactly same.
i want to know difference. there must be some.
i know node.js is used in backend and jquery,angular in front end, but overall they r javascript so why should it matter???.
thanks in advance
2 Votos
3 RespuestasEn tendencia hoy
What is a web browser intension?
1 Votes
0 Votes
Thread local : global vs local
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Postgrrsql and python
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Codding lern
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Data Analysis Course
1 Votes
Is there LUA?
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Web vs python
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