Sesiones de PyR
What ever I learned here most of the things are not working in turbo c++ ? i.e . instead of iostrem I have to write iostream. h . why is this so?? also it is not accepting this- using namespace std;
. and also not accepting return 0; . Please help me iam really confused. Thanks :)
0 Votos
5 Respuestascan someone please explain why this code keeps telling me complication error instead of outputting the value of speed.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class myClass {
void setcarspeed (int a){
int getcarspeed(){
return speed;
int speed;
int main() {
myClass obj;
obj.setcarspeed (40);
cout<<obj.getcarspeed ;
return 0;
2 Votos
3 Respuestaswhat should i use to get in to next line ?
print(words[0]) {then i pushed enter to write next line,but gave me answer , i mean i couldn't follow order that has been given}
and how should i write print(words[1]) in next lint without interruption? 😕
0 Votos
4 RespuestasEn tendencia hoy
Why this code still works
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