Sesiones de PyR
Master of code?
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2 RespuestasHow can I read from a file this line
19 34 Gateway Arch - St. Louis, MO.
The first digit is age, second timeUsed, and the rest description. So I want to read them and store them in a variable.
The code insime my while loop of my File is int age = reader.nextInt();
Int Tused = reader.nextInt();
Description =
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4 Respuestascreate an app for phone
0 Votos
2 RespuestasHow to crack Codevita ?
0 Votos
1 RespuestaHow to do this?
1 Voto
1 RespuestaButton Question?
1 Voto
2 Respuestasi need help with coding
0 Votos
1 RespuestaEn tendencia hoy
Help me with this code
0 Votes
Why this code still works
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1 Votes
Python related
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Ai courses
1 Votes
I need help with my code please
0 Votes
Why won't canvas work?
2 Votes