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What is the full form of rel attribute? Why does it use in link tag when html is connect to external css?
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26th Jan 2020, 3:53 AM
Zin Ko Oo
<img/> <link/> <meta/> <input/> <area/> <base/> <br/> <command/> <embed/> <keygen/> <param/> <source/> what are they used for?
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3 Respuestas
30th May 2020, 6:31 AM
Md. Zakaria Islam Rabbi
How can u link multiple html documents on solo learn
7 Votos
2 Respuestas
24th Mar 2019, 10:02 AM
Joshua Andoh
What are uses of stylesheets?
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2 Respuestas
17th Jul 2017, 4:13 AM
Giridhar Reddy
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En tendencia hoy
Help please?
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How to get better with problem-solving and programming
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Ejercicio Pytho
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Odd even threads without condition variable
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What is that z for
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Bug on "Java for Beginners Module 3 Quiz"
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Suggestions needed
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Game development
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Write a program to find the strings are in isogram or not
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Ruby programming?
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