Sesiones de PyR
Equations in java
0 Votos
1 RespuestaLinear equation
1 Voto
1 RespuestaWrite and test a program that solves quadratic equations. A
quadratic equation is an equation of the form ax2+ bx + c =0 ,where a,b and c are given coefficient and x is the unknown The coefficients are real number inputs ,so they should be declared of type float or double Since quadratic equations typically have two solutions ,use x1 and x2 for the solutions to be output These should be declared of type double to avoid inaccuracies from round-off error
-1 Voto
3 RespuestasEn tendencia hoy
Help please?
4 Votes
Ejercicio Pytho
0 Votes
What is that z for
0 Votes
Suggestions needed
4 Votes
Game development
0 Votes
Ruby programming?
3 Votes