+ 5
Matrix operations challenge
Try to check logical of the matrixes and make a code to ask user for the first (Matrix 1) and show outputs for Matrix 2 and Matrix 3: Matrix 1 42 18 35 72 Matrix 2 6,48 4,24 5,916 8,48 Matrix 3 6 4 6 8 To get Matrix 2, you must to apply an operation to each elements in Matrix 1 and in the same way, to get Matrix 3, you must to apply an operation to elements in Matrix 2. Let's do it if you want but it's not a task, it's a challenge to improve your skills. It's a simple exerci
3 Réponses
+ 4
Well, here is mine :)
I just did it for 2x2 matrixes because I realized too late that matrixes can be any size jajajaja.
Edited: Now it works with NxN matrixes ^^
+ 4
Here is mine.
It works propperly now. (changed int --> round).
First enter the number of rows, press enter.
Than enter the rows with spaces between the numbers:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
+ 4
Fun challenge! My try in Ruby: