+ 11

Swift vs Objective-C (iOS)

I have never heard of Swift until SoloLearn. Now I'm wondering which one I should learn. Is there any benefit to knowing Swift over Objective-C? or should I just stick to my Objective-C lessons? Any input at all would help. Thank you.

16th Jan 2018, 12:01 AM
Chris Martinez
Chris Martinez - avatar
25 Réponses
+ 14
19th Jan 2018, 5:49 AM
H3mant - avatar
+ 13
Actually Swift can run on Linux, check swift.org site. And seems like Windows can run it also.
16th Jan 2018, 12:29 PM
Roman Sydorenko
Roman Sydorenko - avatar
+ 9
Swift is an open source language, and there are various implementations of it, official or not, across many operating systems. Swift is considered by Apple as the future of iOS / MacOS / ... coding, and Objective-C is no longer their top priority ; that’s why I would recommend Swift over Objective-C. But, whatever. Follow your own mind. I’m only stating a personal opinion.
17th Jan 2018, 9:20 PM
César Sagaert
César Sagaert - avatar
+ 9
i would say swift because it the future of apple , anyhow , just pick one and start building apps
18th Jan 2018, 2:49 PM
+ 8
Swift is way better than Obj-c. Since early 2017 swift became an open source language on the release of Swift3. Supported by Linux and macOS. You don't only use it to code mac, iPhone, iPad, AppleTV, or AppleWatch App. but you also have few project for Swift web server side. (sush as : Perfect, Kitura, Vapor ...) Easier to read -> easier to code -> easier to maintain it. So you can mostly focus on what you want to do... than how you have to code it. Most of community also adapt to provide libraries & framework updated to Swift. It takes the benefit of previous language such as C, Cpp, Obj-c to make it more Swifty ;)
19th Jan 2018, 11:48 PM
Jean Vie
Jean Vie - avatar
+ 6
Swift is better
22nd Jan 2018, 12:51 PM
Nurman Tajir
Nurman Tajir - avatar
+ 5
Seems like Swift is the path forward.
18th Jan 2018, 5:57 AM
Alvin Milton
Alvin Milton - avatar
+ 2
my suggestion is-swift
21st Jan 2018, 5:56 PM
Somasundaram R
Somasundaram R - avatar
+ 2
Swift is a nice language to learn because it's growing and someday it will be the default language for iOS and Objc should be just in legacy apps. However... I'm working as an iOS for some years right now and working with big company apps and banks. For big projects, old, and not really planned apps, Swift is not ready yet. Again, don't get me wrong, Swift is easier and cleaner. But the compile times for big projects, and some other stuff it's so annoying. Even with the WHOLE_MODULE_OPTIMIZATION active, I got 15 to 30 minutes to compile an app. So, yes, it's nice, and you should learn it. But I must say that I disagree when I see people answering with just: It is just better.
26th Jan 2018, 1:16 PM
Kio Coan
Kio Coan - avatar
+ 1
swift will be great. it's faster and easier than objective c . But you should start from a little knowledge of objective c ,c or c++. some modules of objective c are also used in swift
21st Jan 2018, 5:11 PM
Akash Kumar Singh
Akash Kumar Singh - avatar
+ 1
I think you shouldn't go with objective-c, as for it's high complexity. Complexity can produce some bugs and errors that are very hard to be detected, unless you use one of those programs, like checkmarx, that helps with it. So this is something that you should consider. Good luck.
30th Jan 2018, 5:17 PM
Ben hart
+ 1
Go for Swift
23rd Dec 2020, 12:59 PM
Sonic - avatar
its faster lang if more tutorial of swift plzz give me link plzzz
21st Jan 2018, 3:21 PM
Ker Vimalkumar
Ker Vimalkumar - avatar
Github for help
21st Jan 2018, 4:40 PM
Roman Sydorenko
Roman Sydorenko - avatar
Swift is a little better to develop in iOS
22nd Jan 2018, 6:36 AM
Alexander Cordova
Alexander Cordova - avatar
Swift is on apple top priority, open source, used on mac, linux and pc. Also it is easier to read, to code and to maintain.
22nd Jan 2018, 11:37 AM
Ahmad Ghannumeh
Ahmad Ghannumeh - avatar
it does no harm if you do both
22nd Jan 2018, 12:49 PM
Rob van Bakkum
Rob van Bakkum - avatar
23rd Jan 2018, 5:19 PM
Hayk Hakobjanyan
o aashiqq....Bhai aise post pe dislikes hi milte h
24th Jan 2018, 11:57 AM
Prerit Rathi
Prerit Rathi - avatar