+ 3

What's better for game? C++/C#?

I know some game engine run on different languages but which one to learn?

30th Jan 2018, 1:57 PM
Akib - avatar
5 Réponses
+ 2
Dealers choice. I prefer C# and unity. it seems like it is faster for me to work with. Unreal seems to have more potential, but it is more than I need. Working by myself, it takes me less time to accomplish the same task in Unity with C#
30th Jan 2018, 2:05 PM
LordHill - avatar
+ 2
I prefer C++ with Unreal Engine because the extra capability would allow you to expand on your project more easily in case you decide to make it much bigger. It’s really up to you though.
30th Jan 2018, 3:08 PM
Jacob Pembleton
Jacob Pembleton - avatar
+ 1
I would like to build some big ones..(not at once though)😁😁. Thanks for sharing your opinions.
30th Jan 2018, 3:13 PM
Akib - avatar
+ 1
C++ for 3D/C# for 2D
30th Jan 2018, 4:21 PM
Alihuseyn Kengerli
Alihuseyn Kengerli - avatar
Depends. If you want to use an engine (and you should) pick it first and learn whatever language you need to work with that engine (C# for Unity, C++ for Unreal etc.). If you don't want to use an engine and you want to work directly with Vulkan/OpenGL/DirectX you should learn C++.
30th Jan 2018, 4:11 PM
Vlad Serbu
Vlad Serbu - avatar