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What is the difference between java and java script?
13 Réponses
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We can say that these are completely different programming languages.
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Java and JavaScript are two different thing. Java is an object oriented programing language and JavaScript is a web scripting language.
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Key differences between Java and JavaScript: Java is an OOP programming language while JavaScript is an OOP scripting language. Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser while JavaScript code is run on a browser only. Java code needs to be compiled while JavaScript code are all in text.
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Le langage de programmation JavaScript, développé par Netscape, Inc., ne fait pas partie de la plate-forme Java.
JavaScript ne permet pas de créer des applets ou des applications autonomes. Dans sa forme la plus courante, JavaScript s'intègre dans les documents HTML et peut fournir des niveaux d'interactivité aux pages Web que vous ne pouvez pas obtenir avec du langage HTML simple.
Principales différences entre Java et JavaScript :
- Java est un langage de programmation OOP (Object Oriented Programming) tandis que JavaScript est un langage de script OOP.
- Java permet de créer des applications qui sont exécutées sur une machine ou un navigateur virtuel tandis que le code JavaScript est exécuté uniquement sur un navigateur.
- Le code Java doit être compilé tandis que le code JavaScript est composé entièrement de texte.
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Java and JavaScript they r as different as Car and Carpet.
JavaScript mostly used to create web applications and Java is more of a general purpose programming language.
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java is pure OOP language where each and everything is treated as an Object which is used to create platform independent program. so that write once and use anywhere can be achieved.
JavaScript is used for webdevelopment to create functions.
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Java is programming language with oop approach and javascript is a scripting language that is executed on client's machine i.e. In the browser
JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language that allows you to create dynamic HTML pages, allowing you to process input data and maintain data, usually within the browser.
Java is a programming language, core set of libraries, and virtual machine platform that allows you to create compiled programs that run on nearly every platform, without distribution of source code in its raw form or recompilation.
More About:-http://crbtech.in/Java-Training/9-distinguishing-factors-javascript-java/
java is oops language and it's runs on independent platform.JavaScript is independent on browser it is a client side scripting language.
Java is a programming language with oops that is generally used to develop applications and softwares for different devices like computers and mobile phones. it is like c or c++ having some advance approaches like oops and cross platform supportive.
JavaScript is a scripting language which is executed in browsers.
In web development, there are two ways of implementing programming to the web app or website. these are server side and client side.
server side languages execute on the server like asp.net and Php.
JavaScript is the client side scripting language that executes in the browser.
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java is said to be an object oriented programming language used in creation of apps and virtuals and to be run on mobiles and not on browsers...While javascript is a programming language that deals with the behaviour of the browser in relation to it's clients or users.
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Java is used to develop apps and software
While javascript is used to add programming in browsers only.
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java was popular when ecma script started up. so ecmascript jumped at the band wagon and called their language javascript for popularity marketing reasons and it worked :)