+ 3
User input
In python , how do you do user input ? So say You input a number for x. And then that number is used later on. I know how to in the coding section of the program , you’d do x = whatever . But I want it to come up when I press run it says input number x =
4 Réponses
+ 1
Thanks that’s what I needed! Now , is only way of inputting the info at the start of the program on the pop up box?
+ 2
To do that you would need this code:
x = input(“Input a number”)
print(“x = “, input)
Input a number: 7
x = 7
+ 2
Yeah, if you get the official python download on your computer it will just come up as words with no box that’s just how sololearns code playground makes you input
Okay, that’s a shame but I can work with that. If I was going to download on my computer what version does SoloLearn use? So I know which one to get.