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Helpful resources for ur learning
Do you really want to professionally grow and develop yourself and looking to enhanace your skills and expertise? Find below the list of website having numbers of courses and resources you can access totally free of cost. Happy Learning... 1- www.edx.org 2- www.coursera.org 3- www.udacity.com 4- www.edraak.org 5- www.class.stanford.edu 6- www.venture-lab.org 7- www.education.10gen.com 8- www.openhpi.de 9- www.ocw.mit.edu 10- www.khanacademy.org 11- www.oli.cmu.edu 12- www.oyc.yale.edu 13- www.webcast.berke
1 Réponse
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14- www.openclassroom.stanford.edu/MainFolder/HomePage.php
15- www.see.stanford.edu
16- www.ck12.org
17- www.udemy.com
18- www.skillshare.com
19- www.codecademy.com
20- www.p2pu.org
21- www.ed.ted.com
22- www.myopencourses.com
23- www.myopencampus.in
24- www.nptel.iitm.ac.in
25- www.saylor.org
26- www.nalandau.com
27- www.academicearth.org
28- www.youtube.com/education
29- www.phodphad.com
30- www.learntobe.org
31- www.floqq.com
32- www.learnerstv.com
33- http://www.coursetalk.org
34- http://www.skillacademy.com
35- http://www.mruniversity.com
36- www.alison.com