+ 1

change file input theme

how can I change classic file input theme to modern style like material design?

2nd Feb 2018, 9:25 AM
hamidreza hobab
hamidreza hobab - avatar
6 Réponses
+ 1
use css to change whatever you want
2nd Feb 2018, 9:35 AM
Abdurrahman Abulgasim
Abdurrahman Abulgasim - avatar
+ 1
no your answer is not correct
2nd Feb 2018, 9:39 AM
hamidreza hobab
hamidreza hobab - avatar
+ 1
one solution is hide input file and create a beautiful label and bind it's event to input file.
2nd Feb 2018, 11:48 AM
hamidreza hobab
hamidreza hobab - avatar
+ 1
Its always tricky to style inputs like this, same for select lists. Especially as each browser displays them differently so javascript could be your answer. When I was looking at this before I used this below tutorial which was very helpful. https://tympanus.net/codrops/2015/09/15/styling-customizing-file-inputs-smart-way/
2nd Feb 2018, 12:30 PM
ok tell me the answer I may learn from you 😊
2nd Feb 2018, 11:45 AM
Abdurrahman Abulgasim
Abdurrahman Abulgasim - avatar
no I search alternative solution
2nd Feb 2018, 2:23 PM
hamidreza hobab
hamidreza hobab - avatar