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EofError in my Python Loop.. What am I doing wrong? Still new to python..
An Error occured in my "Who_You_Gonna_Call?"-Code, but I am to tired to solve it..
5 Réponses
+ 1
Of course its under my Codes, thanks already for you answer:)
+ 1
I'm not too sure about the EOF Error in your code; I'll get to that later.
There are a few "or"s in your code. You can use the string.lower() method:
g_busters = g_busters.lower()
to change all characters to lowercase.
Also, you don't need the i += 1 . range() will increment it for you.
You don't have to print("\n" + "text") ; you can just print("\ntext")
+ 1
thanks for your help!
+ 1
I'm guessing that it's because of the way the SoloLearn code playground works.
It only asks for input once, and in your code, you need more input based on a condition.
This way, no input is given to the second input(), which raises an EOF Error.
If you try it out on Python IDLE, I won't be surprised if it works without raising an EOF Error.
It's probably due to parsing / dealing with data types / end of file or input.
May I see the source code?