+ 18

Why do people dislike codes?

2 people disliked my second code that I put on solo learn. Why the code is not spam? Is it just because I am a beginner programmer and that my codes are basically useless compared to a code a good programmer can make? I find this very discouraging for myself and other beginner programmers who maybe experienced this.

19th Feb 2018, 9:06 PM
🅿️®️⭕️_e✖️e - avatar
24 Réponses
+ 16
@Kamink Because someone dislikes something doesn't mean they're being toxic. It's simply their opinion that they made for whatever reasoning. I know we live in the era where everyone expects a trophy/medal just for participation, but that isn't realistic and pretending that everything is "puppy dogs and rainbows" does nothing to make one better. If it was bad code, poorly formatted, etc... then it doesn't deserve an upvote just for fun. That's why there is two options, upvote or downvote. However, with that being said, SoloLearn -should- implement a means of receiving feedback on your code so that you can move forward in a productive manner. That would make the system better because then the coder will at least know why they got a downvote and how to become better from it all.
19th Feb 2018, 9:19 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 8
I only dislike codes when they've been stolen/copied and published publicly, specially those where the original creator's signature has been replaced 😥. But yours are clean, it must have been someone trolling around. I've had people who have come likestorming and others dislikestorming my stuff. So don't get discouraged and keep those nice python codes coming 😊👍
20th Feb 2018, 7:08 AM
Pao - avatar
+ 8
Let it be and just try to make the codes more and more efficient for the user.
24th Feb 2018, 9:55 AM
Ananya Srivastava
Ananya Srivastava - avatar
+ 7
It's hard for me to say why someone else likes or dislikes something; it's completely subjective and relative to the individual judging you. The reality is everyone will have their opinions and their choice to like or dislike something, which is how it should be, right? When I look at your profile I only see one code listed, so no clue. If you post it up, I'll give you feedback on it if that's what you're seeking.
19th Feb 2018, 9:11 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 7
I don't understand why there is an option to downvote. If you don't like someone's code, leave a comment I didn't like it because (some reason) and check another code. I have never downvoted anyone
21st Feb 2018, 7:34 AM
Vikash Pal
Vikash Pal - avatar
+ 5
sometimes people do it because a code is too chunky / inefficient
19th Feb 2018, 9:29 PM
Obbu - avatar
+ 5
Don't afraid or stop coding.No one is perfect.No one has learned without failure.
19th Feb 2018, 11:06 PM
📈SmileGoodHope📈 - avatar
+ 4
I wasn’t expecting a upvote or a comment But then in 10 min i got 2 downvotes already?
19th Feb 2018, 9:25 PM
🅿️®️⭕️_e✖️e - avatar
+ 3
So many people do that on sololearn. Tell you what though, I’ll like your codes for you.
19th Feb 2018, 9:13 PM
Jax - avatar
+ 3
Oops I accidentally made my code private to edit it.
19th Feb 2018, 9:14 PM
🅿️®️⭕️_e✖️e - avatar
+ 3
I wish I knew I have 2 stalkers that downvote every thing I do on here
20th Feb 2018, 9:39 PM
+ 1
@Kamink Someone doing something without reason, and not knowing their reason, is two different things. Because we don't know their reasoning doesn't mean we should assume they had no reasoning or ill intentions; at least as our first option without further information. All they did was downvote them, so they didn't even reach a point of supplying criticism verbally, especially not to a point of being toxic in the least. We're being more toxic in this thread with our assumptions and criticisms than the person who we're talking about downvoting a code they didn't like.
20th Feb 2018, 1:39 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
Lots of down votes are bots. That's why I believe in absolute transparency, so you can see who did it. In your case, maybe somebody with 2 accounts did it. Also remember the sheep mentality. People up and down vote what others do. Protip: copy-paste the code to a new file, save it and delete the old one.
20th Feb 2018, 12:40 AM
@Nonzyro Your purpose of "absolute transparency" in this situation is what? Making sure you know who to hate and fight with unless they like everything you've posted or coded? I sat and thought about your statement prior to replying, and I can't come up with a single benefit, which is why I'm certain they didn't implement such a system. It would do nothing but to fuel hostility between people by knowing. If it isn't apparent, even if someone was downvoted for a good reason, they'll feel a certain way because everyone takes pride in whatever they create or do, which is why they do it and share it out. If I downvote you for good reason, and you knew I did, it would cause you to want to confront me or downvote me back out of simple spite. See what I mean? That's why a feedback system along with the voting system would be optimal; you can vote and also provide constructive feedback. Ultimately, their main goal with the voting system is simple. If a lot of people like it, promote the thread to users. If it's not something the community likes collectively, then help us moderate by using a downvote system that'll help remove threads we don't need without wasting manpower on something that's secondary to producing courses/content. Anyways, don't downvote people just to be mean, and if you can provide feedback, do it. If you're downvoting for good reason, then downvote as you see fit, you don't have to like everyone, everything, or pretend that you don't have an opinion when you do. On the other end, don't take things too personal or serious when it isn't; take whatever lesson/information is there and discard the rest while moving forward. If a little downvote here destroys you, then you're in for a surprise when you enter the corporate/working world where no one is going to care about your pity party because the boss didn't like your work and told you to fix it.
20th Feb 2018, 1:55 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
Vikash, that is a great idea, good argument. +1.
21st Feb 2018, 8:24 PM
- 1
Jakob, you raise many good points, however I stand by my transparency stance. *. If I cared about a down-vote here and there, I'd keep my codes private and simply not post, in which case I wouldn't belong in public space. *. If someone down-voted _anything_ I did, I would consider that thing and _why_ they may have done it. If they down-voted _everything_ I posted, then that would actually be proof that the problem was with them, not me. *. It's easy to down-vote something anonymously. It's easy to abuse the system. However, you'll think twice -- as you should do -- if that person can see you down-voted them. However they cannot go on a vengeance spree since the system is transparent. So no bullying will occur. Finally, regarding that workplace comment, it's an invalid argument because there's always someone who signs your performance reviews and having worked since before graduation, I know through experience that nothing is secret in that environment. I still believe in personal responsibility and transparency. If you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear -- as the saying goes. PS: Imagine if I blamed the wrong person, say you, for down-voting something I posted because of statistical analysis: got 2 upvotes but only went up 1 and happened when you made that comment. I wouldn't really think it was you, but a childish user may. Without transparency, who would clear your name and prevent you getting hateful down-votes? What would stop the vengeance spree?
20th Feb 2018, 2:22 PM
- 1
@Jan Markus could it be thattrollin is one of your favourit hobby XD
20th Feb 2018, 6:55 PM
Dennis Dietrich
Dennis Dietrich - avatar
- 1
hmm that could it be ^^
20th Feb 2018, 7:01 PM
Dennis Dietrich
Dennis Dietrich - avatar
- 1
hay my türkey my name is nafiz good good game sipik türkis
21st Feb 2018, 5:55 AM
Nafiz - avatar