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How to make facebook logo button??
I would be happy if you share me a code..
15 Réponses
+ 4
If you need the button to redirect you to another address you can use the onclick event.
<button onclick = "location.href = 'http://someweb.com';">
<! - font awesome icon goes here ->
</ buttton>
Or you can use a normal link
<a href="linkhere.com"> <i class = "fab fa-faceook-f"> </a>
In this case you just have to apply the style of the button to the <a> tag
+ 3
The image was downloaded into the program with the following code:
But I’m not sure how you’d do that. 🤔
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No let me share you a logo page
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So you’re going to show me a code?
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No but the ouput of others
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Can you see logo in the foster section
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+ 2
So how can I make logo like that??
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Thanks anyway. That's help me a lot 😊😊😊
+ 2
You can make a very similar button using Font Awesome. Here you have a little more information:
I gave the button a bit of style to give a similar image. If the code serves you, you can copy / save it and notify me to delete this example. :)
+ 2
Wow your code is supercool but how would that button work??
+ 2
Thanks its working now
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You are welcome! Good luck!👍