+ 22
Can Somebody Give A Respone Please :(
Google Drive Opens By Itself Randomly Even When I Don't Download/Upload Files Or Open Any Documents So Can Somebody Help Me To Solve That Please :(
36 Réponses
+ 21
it's not about being stuck maybe it's about su binary update because recently all of those appeared
Drive Has Been Stopped
Google Play Services Has Been Stopped
Some Weird System User Appeared But I Declined It's Permissions
So I Tried To:
Reboot Normal/Fast/Safe Mode
Shutdown For Short/Long Time
Clearing Some Space(Maybe There Some Files To Be Modified)
Update Them All Except Su Binary Because It Sometimes Crash While Rooting With Kingo Root Instead Of SuperUser
+ 19
@Jax No
About Drive :
I'm Using Any App And Suddenly Drive Opens And Few Seconds Later Crashs
About Sudden Reboot:
I'm Using Any App And Suddenly It Reboots By Itself
+ 18
I Will Try To Root It Again
+ 18
Files That I Delete
estrongs (because it's very annoying sometimes)
Google magazines(I don't even use it)
Lenovo log.txt
mktlog(sounds like a log file)
screenshots and pictures(already backed up)
I Also Tried To Update Them But Doesn't Work ?
+ 17
@jax thanks :)
+ 16
@Smpath👻 I Will Try It Thanks :)
But Now I Should Update The Su Binary Also Google Drive Is A System App So It's More Compatible With Android 😊
+ 15
Also Sometimes I Open SoloLearn And Everything Is Normal And Suddenly My Phone Reboots
+ 15
@Mao what's weird ? do you mean not revealing your real name ?
that because some people are doxxing others on SoloLearn and doxxing can show your public posts from past years
but the good thing that you change the address so nobody dox you :)
+ 15
@Mao ???
+ 14
Sorry Friends I'm Not Good In English😂😂
+ 14
@Alex That's Just For The Explanation Like Seriously ?
+ 13
@Mao Nope
Nickname : Warlord
Real One : Still Private (Won't Be Revealed 😑)
+ 12
Ok Friend :-) I'm Pleasure😊😊
+ 12
@Sampath it's ok
because some people will understand but some people will just be selfish like "oh my gosh you got a bad English" but to me it doesn't matter , what matters that you're a good person 😊
+ 11
That is very strange. 🤔 Have you tried shutting down your device? That can help sometimes.
+ 11
Friend😊 You Don't Need google drive app anymore
U can control google drive storage using file manager😉please try this,
+ 10
Do you have file manager??
like:- es explorer , solid explorer , file commander
+ 9
"Hello, IT... Have you tried forcing an unexpected reboot?"
+ 7
Sorry, I was just curious what you had in there. I'll stop opening it. :)
As others said, first thing to try is to reboot your device. Could be as simple as something being "stuck" in memory and causing undesired affects.
When you say it's opening, is it the Google Drive app or is it via the website through a browser?
What -exactly- happens during this whole process? You're playing a game and all of a sudden Google Drive opens? Does it take you to the starting page or to a particular page of the Drive?
+ 5
lol...some people make fun and some doesn't allow to have jokes.....