+ 5
What are the differences between code used in android studio to develop an app and the normal java codes ?
Recently i tried to see Android studio but couldnt understand a thing. It seemed to be different than the java lessons taught in schools. It would be great it you could give the differences and best sources to study those.
3 RĂ©ponses
+ 4
As much as I know, Android Studio is for Java which is related to android.
It is quite different from the Java we read in schools although the basic is the same.
To code in Android studio , you have to go through an android tutorial.
+ 2
don't worry .... at the beginning Android studio seems to be very hard. but when you get familiar . it's a very helpful software.
and yes things r done a little bit different than native Java but it's not that much.
as @Vukan posted. ..... go to Android site to learn everything
if you want to get into app development for Android you should (if not must) use Android studio