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What does that signs mean?
halo I don't get this part of the module.please elaborate this portion. and also I wanted to know about the meaning of these signs '<' and '>'
5 Réponses
+ 4
< means left side is less then the right side.
for example: 1<3 , 2<4, 5<6, 7<8
> means left side is greater then the right side.
for example: 3>1, 4>2, 5>1, 7>4
Those are all used in if statements as True and false.
for example.
if(4>7) print("True")
else print("False")
in this case False will be printed because 4>7 is false , then the else command block is executed. if we were to write
if(4<7) print("True")
else print("False")
we will get True because 4 is less then 7 so the statement is true and the if statement block will be executed.
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== Is used to check is something equals to something.
for example:
if(4==4) print("True")
else print("False")
True will be printed because 4 equals 4.
if(4==3) print("True")
else print("False")
will print False because 4 does not equal to 3
you can do the same with strings.
if("Test"=="Test") print("True)
else print("false")
True will be printed because True= True.
== is used because = is used for making something equal to something, and not checking if it equals to it.
Another operator is !=. it used to check if something Does not equal to something.
for example:
if(4!=3) print("True")
else print("False")
True will be printed because 4 does not equal to 3
+ 1
hence to get the true or false statements this is used
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and what does '==' this sign mean
+ 1
the first sign '<' means the no. on the left is less i.e. smaller the no. on the right and '>' means the no. on the left is greater than the no. on the right