4 Réponses
+ 2
top two Python IDEs are intellij and anaconda but need time to learn
if you are a beginner start with Ipython or use editor Atom/Notepad++/Sublime and run code from shell. Purest way because IDE is not interfering thus you'll know bugs are genuinely yours, eat small chunks but be regular as the metronome, tic, tac, tic, tac... never give up, every code has already been written - search the Net for suggestions. every time you ask for ready made solutions you loose because you don't learn. discipline is victory. disciplined, ultimately you will win.
BTW: c and derivatives such as c++ are the worst choice for beginners. it's nearly kind a like learning programming with the assembler. forget Python for now, start with Scratch to learn basic concepts and structures, have fun, equal your best peers there (muuuch harder then you'd expect) and then only decide whether you want to carry on. then learn about programming language-independent paradigms. if still on track move to Python where you have them "all inclusive". enjoy your meal, pal 😋
+ 1
You have to download python from its original site:python.org and when installed you can use its idle or you can use a text editor like pycharm,sublime text ...
Pycharme is the most used for python programs,but you can run scripts with python idle too
+ 1
Thanks for the help!
In the meantime I downloaded thonny. Have you heard of it? And does it do the same job?
+ 1
yes it is a good and easy to use!go on good luck!