+ 10

Suggest Challenging Project for a Beginner

I am an apprentice in programming. I have completed JAVA, PHP, JavaSctipt, C and SQL on SoloLearn. I am eager to nurture, test and level up my programming skills. Could you please suggest me some challenging projects that I could get busy with that by a week? Requests: 🙏 * Please upvote this post so that I can get more project ideas. * Visit my profile & checkout my codes, suggest if you have any better algorithmic strategy for the problems. Thank you in advance. You guys are amazing ❤❤

26th Mar 2018, 7:03 PM
Sayan Kundu
3 Réponses
+ 13
look at the freecodecamp, there is some interesting web projects... 😃
26th Mar 2018, 7:08 PM
Vukan - avatar
+ 5
Try making an inventory system or a forum. Add in different user levels (like admin and regular user.) When I made these, I used html, css, JavaScript, MySQL, And php. It’s a fun project just to test your skills.
26th Mar 2018, 10:26 PM
Ariela - avatar
make a 3d fps rpg
29th Mar 2018, 1:48 AM
Wolf Web
Wolf Web - avatar