why are you include the header file conio.h in program ?

1st Jul 2016, 1:37 PM
5 Réponses
+ 2
i think if we use clrscr() and getch() they r using conio.h
1st Jul 2016, 2:47 PM
raju - avatar
+ 2
getch() is outdated. Use _getch() instead. By the way, conio.h is windows only. Anyways, getch can be replaced with cin.get() most of the times, which is inside iostream library. And clrscr() which I suppose it clears the screen can be replaced with system("cls") for windows and system("clear") in unix systems.
1st Jul 2016, 2:56 PM
Garme Kain
Garme Kain - avatar
1st Jul 2016, 2:21 PM
Adem Adem
Adem Adem - avatar
its must to mention conio.h for using getch and clrscr
1st Jul 2016, 5:24 PM
Abhi Tiwari
Abhi Tiwari - avatar
because you are used this function functionality like clrscr(); getch();
2nd Jul 2016, 9:54 PM
Âshvin Solanki
Âshvin Solanki - avatar