try to link css file and html file
Hi , I try to link css file and html file but I register both file on my after I put the code , they appear in .txt What do you have to do to change that ? Is it ANSI code to change ? thanks for your help !
4 Réponses
Hey !! It's very simple
# Make an HTML file and save it with .html / .htm extension .
# Make a CSS file and save it with style.css
# Open your HTML file and in the head section type :
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
# Suppose you have saved your CSS file in a folder named style so you can type :
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style/style.css">
...yes but for the problem is when I save the document . I m not suggested html , htm ... I write .htm or .css , it registred but it appears htm.txt or css.txt
thanks Programme for your answer !
S. Kaouche You have to make a name of your file like index.html without name it cannot be..
Have a look here :