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Blog Project My Skills incorrect in HTML learning
The program won't accept correct answer. Does anyone know what it is? The answers should be <a and <ul>, but the program won't accept them as answers
5 Réponses
Chris Pringle ,
You should put <a> tag before each <li> tags which inside <ul> tag.
You can refer to my code here https://code.sololearn.com/W6AF6A3prr9r/?ref=app
Happy coding!
It's a and /li not ul
why is it a /li
Nasira Zayn
The ul (unordered list) tag is already closed. A ul can contain multiple li (list item) tags. If you look at the question, you'll see that the opening and closing (outer) ul tags are there, there are 2 list items within the unordered list. Within the 1st list item there is an a (anchor/link) tag for the text A. You can see the 2nd item in the list is complete with an opening and closing li tag around it content, while the first li isn't closed and the a is missing from the opening anchor/link tag prior to the href= attribute.