+ 31

Programmer is?....

30th Apr 2018, 5:08 AM
Nina Hendra Putri
Nina Hendra Putri - avatar
26 Réponses
+ 39
Programmers are people who speak a speech computer can understand (maybe in combination with a compiler or an interpreter). A developer is a person who can construct software. That is the thinking how computers work and what we have to do to get a low maintenance software with the option to upgrade and expand. In my opinion we should make a differentiation between that two types of persons.
3rd May 2018, 5:31 AM
Worm - avatar
+ 15
Someone who has coffee running in their veins ☕☕
30th Apr 2018, 7:42 AM
Harsh - avatar
+ 14
A persons full of logics and tricks😂
30th Apr 2018, 6:07 AM
💞ⓢⓦⓐⓣⓘ💞 - avatar
+ 13
the one who makes life easier of everyone except themselves😂😂😂
30th Apr 2018, 5:11 AM
sushant gupta
sushant gupta - avatar
+ 9
a person who fulfills other peoples wishes
3rd May 2018, 5:18 AM
🐯🐯Gimba Abdul Aziz🐯🐯
🐯🐯Gimba Abdul Aziz🐯🐯 - avatar
+ 7
programming is the way you make bugs in code..and then putting them out by using your programming skills..😂
30th Apr 2018, 3:10 PM
Abhishek Verma
Abhishek Verma - avatar
+ 6
30th Apr 2018, 6:51 AM
Вадим Сухотин (Vadim Sukhotin)
Вадим Сухотин (Vadim Sukhotin) - avatar
+ 6
9/10 times somebody without a life
30th Apr 2018, 10:29 PM
Julian - avatar
+ 5
Tashy not sitting behind a computer constantly
30th Apr 2018, 11:07 PM
Julian - avatar
+ 4
A person who control the computers.
30th Apr 2018, 3:44 PM
Usama Khan
Usama Khan - avatar
+ 4
1st May 2018, 10:38 AM
Harsh - avatar
+ 4
progeammer is one of the scientist who failed 100 times. but. Sucuss one time and try to Code. Until program run sucussfully... programmer is crazy about coding. he is logical person. and him imagination power is very high.😂 programmer make. life easy. and beautiful with him logic and code programmer is one of the magician... 😘😘
1st May 2018, 1:05 PM
RAJ PATIL - avatar
+ 4
person with most mathematical skills and logic with a computer and no sleep 😂
2nd May 2018, 5:52 AM
Bala Krishnan V
Bala Krishnan V - avatar
+ 4
programmer is a person who tries to solve everyone's problem by immense of hardwork and dedication to serve others. A programmer is really sleepless
2nd May 2018, 8:30 AM
Akshata Solapurkar
Akshata Solapurkar - avatar
+ 4
rare animal B-)
2nd May 2018, 10:45 AM
“mateo3x6” - avatar
+ 3
An adventurer
30th Apr 2018, 1:50 PM
+ 3
programmers are change and protect the world like super heroes😁😁😁......
22nd May 2018, 4:31 PM
SûryàKrïsh😎 - avatar
+ 2
a coffee addict who had too Much spare time in childhood or had lesser interest in social matters and over time became isolated ( dont worry i'm just talking about me ! protip : dont push away your friends because they dont share your tech-intrests. i was kind of Pro in doing so! And that stings! )
3rd May 2018, 4:46 PM
Yanick Math
Yanick Math - avatar
+ 2
He is creative, knows the 'magic' of computers and can talk with them in programming languages. He works on apps that can help people during their life.
7th May 2018, 8:44 PM
Matiu - avatar
+ 2
that person how can speaking and understanding the machines
7th May 2018, 10:22 PM
A.Omar - avatar