+ 3
TRUTH: PLAGIARISM; While I Do Not Practice Endorse or Agree w/Verbatum_Copying The Truth Is: It's_Unknown_Where_to_Draw_a_Line.
This is the Truth as I see it(i.e. My understanding of the document) I've heard strong arguments to what I perceive as weak evidence I've yet to see one code anywhere worth considering litigation for PLAGIARISM face it intellectual property copyright is new to the world In only my 2nd code post(I just knew I'd be accused)I tell how,Ideas,Statements,Function blocks,don't apply Common knowledge,NewsTeachingLearning,Blogs,Articles are under "Cc fair use license"US CopyRight says the functions ect are fair game
5 Réponses
+ 12
I suggest you brush up on the definition of fair use
In its most general sense, a fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work.
+ 8
The line is drawn where my biased judgement says so. ;>
What, do you mean I make mistakes?!
+ 4
Copyright is _not_ new to the world:
+ 4
Vue.js - Wikipedia
Vue was created by Evan You after working for Google using AngularJS in a number of projects. He later summed up his thought process: "I figured, what if I could just extract the part that I really liked about Angular and build something really lightweight." Vue was originally released in February 2014.
Stable release: 2.5.17 / August 1, 2018; 4 months ago
Initial release: February 2014; 4 years ago
Original author(s): Evan You
License: MIT License
+ 3
Actually Hatsy, joke or none, you've a good point: on a private forum, private rules apply and grey areas are at SL mod squad discretion. I think this is the most important point here, discretion.