When anyone match going to draw then ....the result store in loss category????
4 Réponses
+ 3
I saw this too. I think if you challenge someone on a higher level you may get points but lower if you draw with a lower level. both things happened to me.
conclusion : if you're good, never accept challanges from lower levels. even if you answer all 5 correctly, you may lose points.
well done sololearn. NOT.
+ 1
In the new version, a draw result yields 0 points to both opponents. I can live with that.
in that update version of app ..if any lower level challenge higher level and if result going to be draw than points reduced from higher level...
this is not correct
- 1
It is better than have been. Yesturday I won some 1 level with score 6 vs 5, but the app said me that I'm lost. lol. But now it is converted to draw.