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C# Computer make expressions

How to make program that from given numbers calculate giveN value or if he can't calculate that value he should find closest to that value? Design of program: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img921/3140/0kBspY.png In first three labels is random generated three-digit number,in second four labels are random generated numbers can be from 1 to 9,in third label random generated numbers can be(10,15 or 20) in fourth label random generated numbers can be (25,50,75 or 100). For example random number to be found is 435 and numbers available to found that number are: 6, 9, 3, 8, 15, 100 Computer should find it like this: 435 = (9 + (3 * (100 + (6 * (15 - 8))))) and show that steps in textbox Or for example random number to be found is 945 and numbers available to found that number are: 3,2,1,2,10,25 computer can't find that number but he can find closest to that number: 944=2*(25*(2*10-1)-3) and show that steps in textbox When user enter expression computer must calculate it and tell him what he calculated.User also cannot enter numbers that were not random generated inside labels. After that computer must calculate expression and show steps how did he made it or if he can't calculate give random number from first three labels it should calculate closest to that value and show steps how did he calculated it. When all these number are generated user have 60 seconds to make expression from give numbers,if time expires user enter expression if didn't enter it earlier and if he does have or doesn't have same number as in first three labels then he got points based on: 1.If he has same number as in first three labels he gets 30 points 2.If number is different for one he gets 20 points 3.If number is different for five he gets 10 points 4.If number is different for ten he gets 5 points 5.If difference if less than the number offered he gets additional 5 points

15th Dec 2016, 3:06 PM
Pavle_nis - avatar
1 Réponse
Post some code, and we'll help with any questions you have regarding that code. Don't expect people to just write code for you... :)
16th Jun 2017, 8:37 AM
Bogdan Sass
Bogdan Sass - avatar