Would someone be so helpful as to support me though this HTML & CSS learning experience as we try and make a website ?
Assalamu Alaykum, As you pray and fast this Ramadan May all your wishes come true Enjoy the long lasting blessings of Allah. Ramadan Mubarak! I am 16 years old and last year I took a Computer Science class, one day we did a project using HTML and I realised actually this is pretty cool . At the moment I am trying to apply to some sixth forms or schools, I was wondering if someone would help me make a website that would blow the admissions team's minds away . In full honestly I'm not sure what would be in it for you in that sense, I am just hoping someone finds it in their hearts to take time out of their day to help me for free . You would have my utmost gratititude . Thanks for taking the time to read this far lol. Have a lovely day.