+ 5
Hey Everyone. I would know how to insert some text in SVG blok in my PR.MY BLOG.(yellow on bottom)
2 Réponses
+ 7
Thank you I will somehow use this
+ 6
<svg width="585" height="600">
<rect width="600" height="100" x="0" y="200" fill=#FFBB00><animate attributeName="y" from="0" to="600" dur="5s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="10000"></animate></rect>
<text x="150" y="200" fill="red">I ♡ SoloLearn!<animate attributeName="y" from="50" to="650" dur="5s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="10000"></animate></text>
It can't be inserted inside of it, you would have to group them with the <g> tag, put the <text> tag below it so it can be on top. Also, the <text> needs to have its own <animate> tag, I tried to synchronize it with the animation for the rectangle. Take a look at the values and play around with it if you need to 😊