+ 2
I am taking a course on linux....but the problem is ...the teacher of the course using some command in terminal and this co.....
this command doesnt work with me .....i think because he use kali and i am using ubuntu....so ....is there is a solve for this problem?
18 Réponses
+ 4
What was the command?
+ 3
i'm a newbie to linux too but i think it might have something to do with the terminal/shell you are using. for example you might be using the bash shell and your teacher another one.
+ 3
Google my friend or make your teacher use Ubuntu or you should start Kali but if you are New on Linux then starting from Ubuntu is good and about using terminal commands i don't think Kali and Ubuntu has much difference in commands they are similar with little changes
+ 3
Omar o ubuntu is nice because it easy to install and easy to maintain, so if your are new to linux it is recommended because it doesn‘t force you to use the command line and you can gradually start using it.
kali linux is recommended if you want to start pentesting because all the tools you need are preinstalled.
so if you are not somewhat comfortable with linux you should stay on ubuntu and learn some fundamentals
but if you are somewhat familiar with the basic commands such as cd,ls,mkdir,mv, cat,grep ...
there is no reason why you shouldn‘t use kali, for pentesting its just way easier
if you want to learn linux and security at the same time you could try these wargames http://overthewire.org/wargames/
(just google the solution if you get stuck)
+ 2
how about you tell us the command. the only reason you would use kali is for the preinstalled pentesting tools, so its probably one of them that is not installed on ubuntu
+ 2
Omar o depends on what you want to do. just post the command so that we can help you further
+ 1
Omar o in linux basically all the commands you type into bash are programs
+ 1
Omar o yes
both of us use terminal
Jan Markus he is on youtube and whrn i write a comment he dont reply
but what do u mean by linux -distribution?
if u mean the flacourwhich he use.....he use kali
Shudarshan Rai 👑 i am new so i am learning ubuntu.....but i think the teacher using some commands in some tools which osnot installed in my ubuntu
but iam begginer
should I start with kali-inux??
the problem with cmmand has been solved...the teacher was using some tools wich is not installed on my ubuntu.....so pease tell me .....i am a begginer and some one told me to start with ubuntu not kali because kali will be difficult because i am beggeiner ....and another one told me that i should start with kali...so ...who is right?Max
Max thank u☺
Paul Jacobs some command like
i donot know if curl is a tool or a command
Max i didnot understand what do u mean ....how commands are programs...!!
and what is bash
Omar o bash is the name of the program you type commands into. if you type a command like for example ls into it, it looks for a program called ls and executes it, ls then prints its output and finishes its execution and then you can type the next command(program name) into bash.
there are also other programs like bash, zsh is popular for example, but bash is the one that comes with most linux distributions
program=command (e.g ifconfig)
is this right?Max
Jan Markus Max
thanks guys☺