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The Features of Object Oriented Programming and It's main Concepts?

What are the main C#.Net Programming Concepts and it's definitions.

20th Dec 2016, 8:55 PM
Paras Jain
Paras Jain - avatar
2 Réponses
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//abstract class: //you cannot create an instance of an abstract class //you can access abstract class members by invoking child class instance with parent class reference. //abstract methods: //abstract methods is incomplete methods because we cannot give the implementation of an abstract methods when declare, to give the implementation of abstract method we have to create a child class. If the child class do not want to give the implementation of base class abstract methods so then the child class need to abstract class. //interface //interfaces is very similar to a class but all the members of an interface is by default is abstract. //we can do multiple interface inheritance. //polymorphism //polymorphism is use to invoke child class object through parent class reference at the run time that's called polymorphism. //delegate //delegate is a function pointer. Delegate is use to point to a function. //overloading //overloading means multiple function with the same name with different signature. //signature means different data type, different kind. //ref vs out //You can pass value into the ref variable and return back the value. But the value pass into out variable will be discarded automatically but it also return the value back. //indexers //indexers is use as the object array. Indexer is a kind of object array. //properties //properties is use to set the logic when assign the value to the variable and to give the accessibility like read only permission, set only permission to other classes and to access the private variables. //inheritance //inheritance is use to reuse code like Rad (rapid application development) it means use existing code and add some extra functionality to it.
20th Dec 2016, 8:55 PM
Paras Jain
Paras Jain - avatar
+ 1
These are my Explanations in my words. Please try all to give there own definitions about these keywords.Please share your knowledge.it also help you too to improve your skills. Thanks!
20th Dec 2016, 9:01 PM
Paras Jain
Paras Jain - avatar