+ 3
Is it best build a website using an online web builder or code it yourself?
I have an idea for an innovative social network. Should I use an online builder, or make it from scratch ground up?
10 RĂ©ponses
+ 3
Quadier Mackey let me ask you, is this::
Is it best to code your game yoursek, or have someone do it for you ?
It is always best to do things yourself, because an online web builder, eg WordPress, may not always have what your looking for
+ 2
i see. but for things like widgets (clocks, social network connections) that wordpress offers is it best to code that stuff myself or can i incoporate into my site? also is there software i can use to make this easier or is it all just, write code, run, and test.
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If the widgets already do everything you want, yes you can incorporate it. But if you want full controllability and/or compatibility with your coded website, it is good to code them yourself.
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im definitely motivated as im sure this is something that will impact the lives of millions. are social media sites really challenging to make?
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Remember there is a front end, storage, and a backend. Then there is security and policies to keep people safe. It's awesome you have a great idea. Start by building a follow system, chat system, post system and then expand it. Baby steps gets you far.
+ 1
It really depends on what you need. If you need a page for something you can do it yourself. If you need a blog or social media site then you will need help or be prepared to work a lot.
My vote is build it if you have the time, drive, and know how.
+ 1
Another option is to build your application with a website like powr.io that uses code snippets to create applications. What you give up in cost you'll get back in time.
+ 1
I see what you mean. Def seems like an easy alternative, but is it subscription based?
Yeah a yearly fee. Worth it to use it to get started. Then you could always go back and recode some things once you have it established.
i want to cut pricing also for storage because posting content will be free but users will have to pay to see certain content. are there storage services as well? i know i can google all of this but its really hard to find. and it seems logical that storage on websites that allow users to post unlimitedly would be expensive.