What is returned as a result of calling makeFancy("JAVA")?
public static String makeFancy(String s) { if (s.length() == 0) { return "*"; } return "*" + s.substring(0,1) + makeFancy(s.substring(0,s.length()-1)) ;}
3 Réponses
+ 2
vishal patil Copy, Paste and Run... Its simple
* *J*A*V*A* *
these are the options please tell the answer fast
vishal patil Please stop tell "fast" that none MUST answer you, remember that you are the helped then use more gentle and less pretendious words... Futhermore in time that you have started this discussion, you would:
- Go on Code Playground section
- Create a new Java code
- Copy your code
- Paste on created code
- Run it
- If you had some problems save this code and post the url here
And you, what have you did? Posts here "tell an answer fast"... Now if do you want learn programming i suggest you to change your approach else change field that in programming really often you have to challenges yourself before to get your result