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Why num++ postfix is used in while loop
in this code after console writeline num++ postfix is used without it compiler gives unlimited 1s and with prefix ++num same 1 to 5 can any describe this why it is used int num= 1; while(num < 6) { Console.WriteLine(num); num++; } /* Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 */
4 Réponses
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Hi Shahzaib Jahangir
++ is an increment of one
This is a shortcut of writing:
VariableName = VaraiableName + 1
This means that it adds 1 to a number.
Your example:
In the example num starts at 1
It is less that 6 so the first output is 1
Then num++ same as ‘num + 1’
The value of num is now 2
This is then repeated until the
value of num is not less than 6
+ 2
num++ is used to increase value of num. With increasing, num gets to 6, so condition becomes false and while loop stops.
If num++ was not defined:
1) num would always be 1,
2) num < 6 would be true, so while loop would become infinite.
when the only command in the line is an increment, it is irrelevant whether you use prefix or postfix. the difference is visible in other scenarios however
("num") string