+ 2
Global variables in Python
Do i have to define variables as global if i want to use them Outside a function? Why is Not Every Variable global by default? For Saving Memory Space? In my example Code do i have to Return the number ‚Return numberdrawn‘ or is it accessable without returning it. So i Could Return True or False but still could use the Number Outside the Function? https://code.sololearn.com/c6i06EVv6mFS/?ref=app
11 Réponses
+ 5
Daniel, if you're asking how you can use variables defined inside a function outside of that function, then the answer is you can't. Variables defined inside a function are "local" which means they can only be "seen" inside the function.
Variables are not global unless you define them outside any function. This prevents confusion if there are a lot of variables in your program.
In your code, you have done a number of things which are unnecessary. Your randomnumber() function can be deleted entirely because its only purpose is to return random.randint, which is already a function! So you can replace your randomnumber() function with:
numberdrawn = random.randint(0, 36)
To use your numberdrawn in your match() function, you do not have to declare it as a global variable. Instead you should pass it as a parameter in the brackets like this:
def match(numberdrawn):
You should check out the python tutorials on Sololearn to find out about parameters in functions and local/global variables.
Hope this helped.
+ 4
your program is "terrible"
within your function you declare a variable as global which is not existing global.
so you define a global variable.
globals as TurtleShell said are not good. but ....well... globals as you use are even worse.... but very interesting.
Here is the essence of what you did.
but...really .... very interesting.
clear upvote to your post (-:
+ 4
numberdrawn = match()
wäre der erste Schritt.
versuch das mal.
match sollte nur die Nummer ziehen.
Die Auswertung kommt im Hauptprogramm.
oder un einer anderen Funktion.
Golden Rule: every function has exactly one task.
+ 3
Global variables most of the time are not a good idea, that’s because anything can change it. If you use return and parameters properly you wont have the need to add global variables in most cases.
+ 3
the other way is true
global only makes sense within a function
x = 1
def add1():
global x
output is 2.
+ 2
Daniel wird schon!
Für einen Anfänger ist das schon nicht ganz trivial.
+ 1
thank you 😄
+ 1
das klingt schon mal nach einem sehr guten tipp. dann werde ich das ganze mal von vorne neu aufbauen. vielen dank. 👍
+ 1
und für eine oma kennst du dich ganz schön gut aus mit programmieren 😀😃😀👍👏
ok what can i do to make chips + 7 if it is in smallWin and chips + 24 if it is in bigWin and how can i double the win if the same nunber is hit again. sorry i‘m a beginner...
ΓΙΑΤΙ ΕΚΑΝΑ ΛΑΘΟΣ ΣΤΟ Ποια είναι η έξοδος αυτού του κώδικα;
>>> spam = 2
>>> αυγά = 3
>>> del spam
>>> αυγά = 4
>>> spam = 5
>>> εκτύπωση (spam * αυγά)