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What is variables?
Give me some idea about variables. I do not know about the variables. I'm learning new ones. If anyone knows about the variables.? Please help me.
19 Réponses
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variable means which value dose not constant or stable. i.e 2 is a constant if i put x=2 x gona be a variable because in the same prog we can put another value of x.like x=2.
#include <iostream>
int main(){
int x;
for( x=2;x>10;x++){
cout <<"x"; //output will be 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .
} //end of for loop.
if (x=10){
cout <<"i am great";
} //end of for loop.
return 0;
} //end of the prog.
we can see i consider the different value of x in the same prog.so x is the variable. if i consider 'x' to cover with a single comma then x will act like a character otherwise a to z all alphabet are variable.if alphabet have single invarted comma then that alphabet is gona be a character.
+ 4
Variable :
Suppose you have to display message to screen multiple time.
You can do it normally by writing message in your script multiple times.
But think if its about 1000 time or more.
Than Instead of writing message multiple time we can store it in variable and use that to reference message
Hope this helps☺️☺️.
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+ 3
variables are like boxes where data is stored. It can contain values which can change. So we give the variable a name and when we need the data in the variable we don't have to type it again but we just use the name to refer to it. This can be helpful if you need the data many times.
Variables can really safe time
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I see variables as containers assigned to a specific ific data for easy reference
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Variables are like buckets. we can put somethings to it and also can get from it.
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hi what is mean by pointer
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variable is somthing you will use in your programme and it will have many values .
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variables are like folders in which you can keep any type of files and use then any time, but you have to make sure that you have declared your variable with a specific data type that you need...
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every programming language variable is a word to store data in ram location according to identifiers
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we can see variables from different data types
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data type is a storage format
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variable is an entity may be during program excution
more details about syntax
more about types of variable
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so a variable is used to identify the action of the code right ?
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variable is identifier mainly is used to identy the memorylocation and allocations . it represents number letter and symbols
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variable is what we declare instead of war
variable means alphabetical such as a,b,c,...,z. means value are store in variable value means any digit 51,5,7....
variables are the object which can change their value when we assign new value to it